Economic Growth South Africa Project #28126

Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA

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Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA

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Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
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28126 Support Early Childhood Development in Rural SA
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Organization Information


Location: Hoedspruit - South Africa
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Nourishnpo
Sarah Bergs
Project Leader:
Sarah Bergs
Hoedspruit,LimpopoSouth Africa
$25,093 raised of$40,000goal
$14,907to go
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">Effective NonprofitEffective Nonprofit
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